“Second hand smoke” propaganda goes up in smoke
Real scientists, not the ones that are called Epidemiologists, have found the genes that cause (not correlates, but really CAUSES) lung cancer in non-smokers. They have also created a medical treatment which is effective in extending the life of these lung cancer patients. Read Scientists find gene that causes lung cancer in non-smokers and New drug approved for lung cancer patients.
So what does this scientific discovery do to the anti-smoking whackos’ second hand smoke propaganda? It clearly shows that their justification for smoking restrictions in public venues was nothing more than a feeble social engineering program designed to completely eliminate smoking cigarettes. The non-smoking laws Federal, State, and local governments have passed and are enforcing cannot be supported scientifically and should be immediately be reversed. Eliminated, taken off the books, no smoking signs be taken down.
Would that be enough to correct the discriminatory laws that have proliferated for the past thirty years? Of course not. Cigarette companies should file a law suit against all entities involved in creating and disseminating second hand smoke propaganda to recover monetary damages their businesses have suffered. A class action suit should be filed by smokers against the same entities for monetary damages they suffered because of this propaganda campaign. And the damages have been extensive. We are talking billions of dollars here.
There are three reasons these suits should be filed. First, the general population should be informed about these scientific findings concerning the genetic cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Law suits would assure that.
Second, the general population would gain a better understanding of how propaganda is developed and disseminated to control their behavior. Hopefully, they will become more skeptical about unscientific and unproven assertions made by whackos that will do or say “whatever is necessary” to achieve their goals.
Third, monetary damages to cigarette companies and smokers must be received to compensate them for the damage inflicted on their businesses lives, and careers. There is nothing like losing money to make whackos think twice about initiating other social engineering propaganda campaigns.
The personality type of people who enthusiastically create and disseminate these social engineering campaigns are discussed in my novel, “The Abomination Project”. Briefly, they are extreme in both extraversion and conservatism.
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