Monday, September 12, 2011

Liberal companies need to hire

Demographic survey data has shown that Blacks and Hispanics have a higher rate of unemployment than Whites. Blacks and Hispanics tend to be more liberal than Whites, so I would conclude that the unemployment rate for liberals is much higher than for conservatives. How high I cannot estimate, but I am sure it will be a significant difference. To me it is clear that conservative companies deliberately laid off liberals to increase the overall unemployment rate. Why would they do that? Simple really. It provides them with a powerful issue to run on in the 2012 election. Conservatives want Obama gone after the election, and they want to build on the gains they made in 2010, especially in the Senate.
Conservative companies also received a number of other financial benefits by laying off liberals. Turnover of employees is down, as is recruitment and training costs. Productivity has increased markedly; lower level employee raises and bonuses have all but disappeared. Stock market prices have almost recovered to pre-recession levels, and executives are celebrating with salary increases and large bonuses. Conservative companies are flush with cash, but they are not spending it. Liberals who typically contribute to liberal candidate campaigns are unable to provide much in the way of contributions. Conservative companies love this current economic environment and certainly do not want it to change; certainly not before the election and maybe never.             
I have not seen any survey data clearly stating that liberals have a much higher rate of unemployment than conservatives. Demographic surveys and statistics clearly show minority groups with much higher unemployment rates, but white liberals are also being laid off at a higher rate than conservatives. Political polls could easily acquire this information during their surveys of the unemployed or potential voters by simply asking the question “Do you consider yourself more conservative or more liberal?” The polling data would probably also show that fewer liberals are registered to vote and fewer liberals are planning to vote in the 2012 election. Historically, liberal voter turnout has always been lower than conservative turnout and there are many psychological reasons for this fact which I may discuss in some future blog.    
Will publicizing this well planned and executed liberal layoff data “energize” the liberal Democratic base in terms of voter participation or political contributions. It might help; it certainly couldn’t hurt.
There is little doubt in my mind that the conservatives will attempt to keep the unemployment rate high throughout the nest year. So they will not resume hiring regardless of what job legislation Obama is able to get through Congress. They will continue to justify this non-hiring policy because of the “uncertainties” in the economy which they are themselves creating. They may even lay off some moderate conservative employees who are balking at the extreme workload they are forced to endure. They will do “whatever is necessary” to keep the unemployment rate high.  
The only way to reduce the unemployment rate is to ask liberal owned or controlled businesses to hire even if they do not need to add employees. There is no doubt that hiring additional staff will negatively affect their “bottom line”, but liberal companies have to stop thinking and operating like conservative companies. Liberal businesses can do more to “kick start” the economy than anything that will be passed by the current Congress.
Reagan used this tactic during his reelection campaign in 1984. In June 1983, the unemployment rate was 10.3. By November election, it was 7.2. During the primaries and general election, conservative companies hired new employees by the millions. The unemployment rate fell quickly, and the economy grew substantially. This success was attributed to Reagan’s “Morning in America” leadership. No way. The conservative companies hired the unemployed to keep Reagan in office. They wanted to keep the “trickle down guy” there, and give him a mandate to forcefully push his right-wing anti-liberal agenda through Congress. And he did successfully. Very slick.      
I have written a novel entitled “The Abomination Project”- A Novel for Liberals hypothesizing that the HIV Retrovirus was a man-made bio weapon. You can visit the website to read first 72 pages of the novel, review a list of internet sources for the novel, read blogs, gain information about personality type theory, and obtain contact info. The novel title has its own Facebook page and you can click on “like” to receive updates on your Facebook newsfeeds.

Monday, September 5, 2011

“Second hand smoke” propaganda goes up in smoke

Real scientists, not the ones that are called Epidemiologists, have found the genes that cause (not correlates, but really CAUSES) lung cancer in non-smokers. They have also created a medical treatment which is effective in extending the life of these lung cancer patients.  Read Scientists find gene that causes lung cancer in non-smokers and New drug approved for lung cancer patients.

So what does this scientific discovery do to the anti-smoking whackos’ second hand smoke propaganda? It clearly shows that their justification for smoking restrictions in public venues was nothing more than a feeble social engineering program designed to completely eliminate smoking cigarettes. The non-smoking laws Federal, State, and local governments have passed and are enforcing cannot be supported scientifically and should be immediately be reversed. Eliminated, taken off the books, no smoking signs be taken down.

Would that be enough to correct the discriminatory laws that have proliferated for the past thirty years? Of course not.  Cigarette companies should file a law suit against all entities involved in creating and disseminating second hand smoke propaganda to recover monetary damages their businesses have suffered. A class action suit should be filed by smokers against the same entities for monetary damages they suffered because of this propaganda campaign. And the damages have been extensive. We are talking billions of dollars here.

There are three reasons these suits should be filed. First, the general population should be informed about these scientific findings concerning the genetic cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Law suits would assure that.

Second, the general population would gain a better understanding of how propaganda is developed and disseminated to control their behavior. Hopefully, they will become more skeptical about unscientific and unproven assertions made by whackos that will do or say “whatever is necessary” to achieve their goals.

Third, monetary damages to cigarette companies and smokers must be received to compensate them for the damage inflicted on their businesses lives, and careers. There is nothing like losing money to make whackos think twice about initiating other social engineering propaganda campaigns.

The personality type of people who enthusiastically create and disseminate these social engineering campaigns are discussed in my novel, “The Abomination Project”. Briefly, they are extreme in both extraversion and conservatism.